The Government files Complaint to Recover Millions of Grant Dollars it says the City of L.A. and CRA/LA Obtained Improperly
Sometimes alleged fraud and abuse occur on a much greater scale than that which is caused by private companies. This was proven to be the case when earlier this month, the Justice Department filed a complaint against the City of Los Angeles and the CRA/LA alleging that the two fraudulently obtained millions of dollars in housing grants from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) by falsely claiming that money was being spent in compliance with the government’s accessibility laws. The “complaint in intervention” replaces a complaint that was previously filed by a whistleblower. The complaint in intervention alleges that the city and CRA/LA received federal money by falsely promising to create accessible housing for the disabled. Instead of doing this, it is alleged that the two used the money to create inaccessible housing that actually deprived people with disabilities equal opportunity to housing of their choice. According to the complaint, the city of L.A. re...